Lan Marie Berg åpner Vulkan ladested

Vulkan – Norway’s biggest charging station

Councils Lan Marie Berg is opening Norway’s biggest charging station at Vulkan, in the middle of Oslo Monday 6th of Mars. The parking garage contains 102 charging points.

– I’m proud to be opening a user- and future-oriented mobility solution at Vulkan. Here we combine unique lodging possibilities for residents and industry, where digital solutions and functionality are central, with free residents parking and a private car sharing pool.
The charging station has a total of 100 charging points and two quick chargers and is a cooperation project with Oslo municipality. Fortum Charge & Drive stands for the charging, and its free parking for electric car drivers at night and night time.
During the summer 2017 the facility will be upgraded with reservation solutions, free choice of charging speed on all 100 charging points and payment solutions.

The charging station is easy to use through Europark’s parking app. Its free for all electric drivers  at Vulkan in the afternoon and night by activating residents’ parking. Charging is done by activating one of 102 charging points from Fortum Charge & Drive with the Fortum app on your mobile or RFID chip.