Frodes granskudd- og maltwhiskeygele
Frodes granskudd- og maltwhiskygele
Trenger du noe godt å servere til osten? Frode fra Ost & Sånt har delt sin oppskrift på granskudd og maltwhisky gele med matbloggen North Wild Kitchen. Nevada, kvinnen bak bloggen, forteller deg hvordan du kan lage den selv hjemme:
Spruce Tip & Malt Whiskey Jelly
There’s two ways to make this jelly. First, which can be very time consuming, is to start with checking the weather report. Since the Norwegian springtime weather can be quite unstable, it may take up to a couple of weeks to gather the needed spruce tips. The second, and faster way, to do it is to tell your kids how to do it. Then it usually takes a couple of hours instead.
Anyway, you will need approximately 1 grocery-sized bag of collected spruce tips, preferably those that are half a finger long. Be aware to adjust the size if your kids are small.
From here, as long as all your kids have returned from the forest, it’s just all fun!
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