
Frodes granskudd- og maltwhiskeygele

Frodes granskudd- og maltwhiskygele

Trenger du noe godt å servere til osten? Frode fra Ost & Sånt har delt sin oppskrift på granskudd og maltwhisky gele med matbloggen North Wild Kitchen. Nevada, kvinnen bak bloggen, forteller deg hvordan du kan lage den selv hjemme:


Spruce Tip & Malt Whiskey Jelly

There’s two ways to make this jelly. First, which can be very time consuming, is to start with checking the weather report. Since the Norwegian springtime weather can be quite unstable, it may take up to a couple of weeks to gather the needed spruce tips. The second, and faster way, to do it is to tell your kids how to do it. Then it usually takes a couple of hours instead.

Anyway, you will need approximately 1 grocery-sized bag of collected spruce tips, preferably those that are half a finger long. Be aware to adjust the size if your kids are small.

From here, as long as all your kids have returned from the forest, it’s just all fun!


1 bag of fresh spruce tips

1,5 kg (3 pounds and 5-ounces) granulated sugar

30 grams (1-ounce) of citric acid

1 bottle of malt whiskey (quantity depends upon your taste)

150 grams (5 ounces) of pectin (or another thickener such as gelatin, but pectin is preferred)


Place the spruce tips in a large pot, cover with water, and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Let it simmer, uncovered, for 4 to 5 hours, adding some water now and then if needed, until it turns a reddish-brown color and the flavors have been extracted from the tips.

Strain the liquid into a clean, large pot using a cheesecloth; you should have about 3 liters of liquid. Add the sugar, citric acid, and as much whiskey that’s in the bottle (or as much as desired). Bring it to a boil and add the pectin. It will begin to thicken immediately. To test if it’s finished, take a small spoon of jelly onto a plate, drag the spoon through the jelly and if it wrinkles then it’s perfectly thick.

Pour the jelly into sterilized jars and cover with lids. Turn the jars over and let them stay upside-down until the next day. Serve immediately or store for later use.

This jelly is perfect to pair with different cheeses, meats (especially game meat), and Norwegian cured meats “spekemat”. If you’ve tried it beside fenalår (cured lamb leg), you will certainly crave it again.


There’s also a third way to get the jelly. Just visit the shop «Ost & Sånt» in Mathallen, Oslo!

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