
Mathallen i godt selskap

Denne uken har representanter fra matmarkeder i 13 byer fra hele verden deltatt i en internasjonal konferanse hvor temaet var: «The historical food markets experience in countries with diverse tradition and culture». 

Konferansen fant sted i Firenze hvor de også markerte 150-årsfeiringen til det historiske sentrale markedet i San Lorenzo. Her møttes representanter fra matmarkeder som blant annet Boqueria i Barcelona, Nishiki Market i Kyoto og Markthalle Neun i Berlin, samt våre gode «naboer» fra Torvehallerne i København og Malmø Saluhall. Sammen har representantene jobbet for en anerkjennelse fra UNESCO for matmarkedenes viktige rolle for å ta vare på lokal identitet og tradisjoner. 


Arrangøren har selv sendt ut følgende oppsummering etter konferansen her:

In Florence a summit of the historical markets to defend the traditional trade. The International Conference with the covered markets representatives from 13 cities from all over the world is held today In Sala Luca Giordano. The request is “Yes for a recognition by UNESCO.

Florence, April 4, 2024 – Ten markets from all over the world and three from Tuscany (13 total) gathered together in Florence for the 150 anniversary celebration of the birth of the Historical Central Market of San Lorenzo to create an association  for traders of covered markets and to protect and defend their commercial identity of large cities here represented.

In Sala Luca Giordano at Palazzo Medici Riccardi here today gathered the summit of the covered markets from all over the world, from Boqueria in Barcellona to Torvehallerne KBH in Copenaghen, from Nishiki Market in Kyoto to Oslo Mathallen in Norway, from the Swedish Malmø Saluhall to the English Market in Cork (Ireland). And more from Berlin with Markthalle Neun, Jerusalem with Mahade Yehuda Market, Riga with Riga Central Market and Santander with the Mercado de la Esperanza as well as the MEQ from Follonica and the Mercato delle Vettovaglie from Livorno.

During the international conference organized by the Historical Central Market  in celebration of the 150 year anniversary “A glance from the world the historical food markets experience in countries with  diverse tradition and culture” was presented a protocol  that will bring to the organization of an Association and to the request of recognition by UNESCO and to safeguard the local identities against the depersonalization of trade and commerce.

All of the markets have told their history from yesterday and today looking at their future. Eventhough there are differences from geographical and cultural point of view, the challenge is the same: defend the history and traditions that have been passed down by generations.

To explain the process that will bring to the organization of the Association Massimo Manetti the president of the consortium of the historical Central market

«With the presentation of the protocol to start an Association of historical markets as a route with the aim to obtain recognition by UNESCO. Today we have presented a Memorandum of Understanding which include minimum requirements (such as history to show activity over time and recognition from local  authorities), rules and goals. In a months time, after enough time to inspect the documentation, we will have a video conference and we will start the collection of memberships”

Once the Association is organized it will proceed choosing and registering  an international trade mark and start the process of recognition by UNESCO. During the Conference a second protocol was presented by Euro Sportello to identify a network of markets that may participate in financial European notices of shared valorization projects.

«With this initiative we open new working scenarios both on the national and international level and our market proposes itself as the leader of a network of markets from all over the world that can work together for network promotion , exchange and projects of valorization in Europe to finally obtain as previously mentioned, recognition by UNESCO “ said Manetti.